#1 Rated Remodeling Contractor in Orange County, CA
Full-service Licensed Remodeler and Contractor for residents and businesses

General Remodeling Services
Orange County General Remodeler
Our company believes in building relationships of trust and confidence with our customers. As we continue our growth, we strive to increase our customer base by providing consistent quality and performance in the work that we do as one of the top remodeling companies in Orange County, CA. The leadership, management, and staff at Project Build hold true to our values of Quality, Performance, Teamwork, Customer Service, Diversity, and most of all our Integrity.
Project Build Construction Group Inc values its customers and respects their ideas and input in every commercial and residential remodeling project. Our customers' ideas help create a deep impact on the architecture and design of their home. Each home and each property is unique to us as General Remodelers. We want to be able to create their dream into a place that they can be proud of and truly call their home.